Jane Austen Bedtime Stories

Fall asleep with the ultimate comfort bedtime stories: the works of Jane Austen



Emma, Volume 3, Chapter 6

It's officially summer in Highbury! The heat has got everyone stir crazy, so they've planned an adventure - today, they are picking strawberries at Donwell Abbey. Mr. Knightley has graciously set up everything for their enjoyment, so everyone, from Mrs. Elton in her bonnet with the pink bow, to Mr. Woodhouse, who is sitting indoors by the fire (in summer), is satisfied. Only Jane Fairfax and Frank Churchill seem a little more off than usual, but Emma is sure it's just the heat. As the Highbury crowd enjoys a day in the sun, let them accompany you into the night as you drift off into peaceful and restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 3, Chapter 5

For once, Emma's not the only one with matches on the mind - Mr. Knightley has his own suspicions about a possible match, and they center on none other than Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax. He's convinced that it can't be a coincidence that these two are frequently exchanging meaningful looks. As a friend, Mr. Knightley has to look out for Emma, of course, even though she's not buying his theories. As Emma, Mr. Knightley, Jane, and Frank all meet for tea at Hartfield, you be the judge, dear listener, and let your mind ponder the question as it wanders into a restful and relaxing night of sleep.

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Emma, Volume 3, Chapter 4

Harriet is on the path to recovery, both from her encounter after the ball, and more importantly, from her attachment to Mr. Elton. To purge Mr. Elton from her system, Harriet needs to burn all her mementos of him: an old bandage and an old pencil that he once used. With Mr. Elton gone, Harriet is free to focus on a new mysterious object of affection. Emma suspects it's Frank Churchill, but vows not to get involved this time (after just one little bit of advice). Harriet is moving on, and as she does, let yourself move on into another night of peaceful and restorative slumber.

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Emma, Volume 3, Chapter 3

It is the morning after the ball, and Emma's lingering delight is swiftly replaced with concern. Harriet and Frank Churchill show up at her doorstep, after Frank rescues Harriet from a harrowing ordeal that left her injured and stranded on her way home from the ball. It's a terrible situation, but Emma can't help but think it's also a romantic one - after all, how often does a handsome young man rescue a beautiful young woman in Highbury? But she's sworn off matchmaking, so her ideas will have to remain untranslated into schemes, at least for now. As Emma tends to her friend, let this week's story help you move from your day into a night of soft and relaxing sleep.

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Emma, Volume 3, Chapter 2

The night we've all been waiting for is finally here - it's time for the ball! Settle in under the covers for an evening where all the major players in Highbury get their time to shine. From Miss Bates (heard without interruption for many minutes) to Mrs. Elton (nobody could care less for dress than her, but please take note that nobody else wore pearls tonight), this ball has it all. Not to mention Mr. Knightley gallantly stepping in to save Harriet from humiliation after Mr. Elton rudely snubs her on the dance floor. And to cap it off, Emma herself gets a dance with Mr. Knightley. What a delightful night! Let the finery of the evening help you forget your day and drift off into a night of gentle and restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 3, Chapter 1

Summer has arrived in Highbury! And with it comes the return of Frank Churchill and the plans for the ball at the Crown. Emma is convinced that whatever feelings Frank may have had for her are gone, though Mr. Weston is not so sure. Whatever the case may be, it seems like the Highbury ball will soon reveal all. As Emma prepares, let her thoughts carry you away into another night of quiet and restful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 18

Our party at Hartfield concludes with a conversation between Mr. Weston and Mrs. Elton about the imminent return of Frank Churchill. Mr. Weston cannot contain his delight at the prospect of his son's return, and the situation of course reminds Mrs. Elton of her time at Maple Grove. The two are perfectly matched in their ability to keep a conversation going (usually past each other), which makes their interlude the perfect soundtrack to accompany you into a soft and peaceful night of slumber.

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Emma Volume 2, Chapter 17

The Hartfield dinner party continues, and the evening is mostly filled with Mrs. Elton attempting to convince Jane Fairfax to accept her help in securing the most desirable governess posting (Mrs. Elton has seen a great deal of the world at Maple Grove, after all). But her chattering is interrupted with the surprise appearance of Mr. Weston, who has big news - Frank Churchill is returning to Highbury! Emma feels something at the news, but she's not quite sure what it is. As she ponders, let her thoughts take you on a journey into another night of restorative sleep.

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Emma Volume 2, Chapter 16

Mrs. Elton is a popular new addition to Highbury society, so despite Emma's less-than-warm feelings towards her, she's decided to invite the Eltons to a dinner party at Hartfield. (Since Emma wouldn't want anyone to suspect that she dislikes Mrs. Elton, of course.) Join the Eltons, the Woodhouses, the two Knightley brothers, Mrs. Weston, and Jane Fairfax for a thrilling start to their evening, filled with conversations on such electrifying subjects as the post office, Jane's walk to the post office in the rain, Frank Churchill's handwriting, and many more! It's enough to put you straight to sleep, so let it do so and help you drift off into rest and relaxation.

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Emma Volume 2, Chapter 15

Emma's opinion of Mrs. Elton hasn't changed - she's as insufferable as ever. In the absence of Emma's friendship, Mrs. Elton has fixated on a new target, Jane Fairfax, which is just fine with Emma. The person she's really concerned with is Mr. Knightley, whose fondness for Jane is slightly alarming. He denies any affection for Jane Fairfax, but Mrs. Weston is convinced there's more here than meets the eye. Who is right? As they discuss, let their conversation help you clear your mind and journey into another night of peaceful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 14

Highbury has a new addition to its society - Mrs. Elton! She may be very elegant with her beautiful gowns, but that's really the only thing she has going for her. Between her high opinion of herself, her overfamiliarity, and her incessant talk of Maple Grove, Emma can hardly stand her. Harriet would have been a much better choice. But what annoys Emma will be helpful to you, dear listener, as Mrs. Elton's mindless chatter is absolutely perfect to distract your mind from the day, let it relax, and drift into a calm and restful night of sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 13

Frank Churchill is gone, and as his presence fades from Highbury, so do Emma's feelings for him. She is sure they are destined to be just good friends. But there was an intriguing line about Harriet in his latest letter - could it be...? No, Emma needs to stay focused, especially since Mr. Elton and his new bride are going to be back in town soon, meaning Harriet needs some extra care from Emma to stay on track. In Highbury, life continues on, and as it does, let it take you off into another night of peaceful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 12

Good news (planning the ball!) is immediately followed by bad, as Emma finds out that Frank Churchill has to leave Highbury. Before he goes, though, he stops by and strongly hints that he is falling in love with her. Emma's sadness at his leaving means that she might be in love with him too, at least a little bit...right? Well, that is what she will tell herself for now, and in the meantime she will try to find another way to fill her time. As Emma contemplates her feelings, let her thoughts carry you off on a journey into rest and relaxation.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 11

Emma is planning a ball! After one delightful evening of dancing, Frank Churchill is eager to organize another one, and so the preparations begin. There are so many things to decide - is the parlour at Randalls large enough? How can they assuage Mr. Woodhouse's fears that they will all catch cold? And should there be a full supper, or, as Mrs. Weston suggests only sandwiches? (Don't worry, a ball without supper is quickly pronounced an infamous fraud upon the rights of men and women, and Mrs. Weston will never speak of it again.) Emma is caught up in the excitement, and this week's story will fill your mind as well, taking you off into another night of restful slumber.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 10

Emma and her friends make their way to the Bateses', and finally see Jane Fairfax's storied pianoforte in the flesh. Frank Churchill's pointed speculations about the gift-giver soon give way to a mostly one-sided conversation between Miss Bates and Mr. Knightley, who is passing by the house, and before Emma knows it, the entire morning has passed her by. Join her in getting lost in conversation as this week's story helps you gently drift off into peaceful and restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 9

After a successful night at the Coles', Emma is in good spirits. But the mystery of Jane Fairfax's pianoforte still remains, and after a run-in with Mrs. Weston, Frank Churchill, and Miss Bates in town (including a rather lengthy aside from Miss Bates about her morning), Emma is on her way to the Bates's to see the instrument for herself. A day in Highbury is never dull, so let Emma's latest adventure help take your mind off your day and carry you into a night of rest and relaxation.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 8 - Part 2

The intrigue of the evening at the Coles continues to deepen, as Mrs. Weston comes to Emma with a new theory. Could Mr. Knightley be the one who gave Jane Fairfax the mystery pianoforte? Could he perhaps be interested in marrying her? The idea vexes Emma immediately - on behalf of her nephew, of course, who could lose his inheritance if Mr. Knightley married and had his own children. Emma is certainly not disturbed on her own behalf, absolutely not. Speculative matches are being made left and right, so let the thickening plot occupy your mind tonight and comfort you into blissful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 8 - Part 1

Tonight it's dinner at the Coles, and this night is about to be full of major developments for the people of Highbury to discuss. First and foremost is the mysterious new pianoforte that got delivered to Jane Fairfax - everyone is abuzz with speculation as to who could have sent it, especially Emma and Frank Churchill. After all, what good is a surprise delivery if the all your neighbors can't gossip about it? As Emma begins her night of intrigue, let her evening help you descend into your own evening of peaceful and restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 7

Frank is out of town today to get his hair cut, giving Emma the perfect opportunity to get the Westons' advice on a situation that's been vexing her. The Coles, a Highbury family, are hosting a dinner party. Even though the Coles are decidedly inferior to the Woodhouses (they made their fortune in trade), all of Emma's friends will be there and she's tempted to go - what a connundrum. The Westons, never ones to decline a good time, encourage her to go, and even help her make arrangements for her father. Everything is ready for the big event! All that's left is to get a good night's rest to prepare. Let Emma and her dinner plans help soothe you into deep relaxation and carry you off into peaceful slumber.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 6

Frank Churchill and Emma (and Mrs. Weston) are out on the town - exploring Highbury, that is. Frank seems enchanted by everything, and even has some new information to share about the frustratingly reserved Miss Jane Fairfax. He and Emma are so perfectly in sync, it seems as though she's always known him. How charming! As they take a turn through the town, let their journey lead you on your own journey into another night of restful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 5

Harriet's fifteen minutes at the Martins goes just about as well as Emma could expect - such a pity that their social standing isn't ever-so-slightly higher so that it would be an appropriate match! But luckily there's a wonderful new distraction in town, the one and only Mr. Frank Churchill. He's finally here, and he certainly knows how to lay it on thick. Emma is intrigued, and a good night's sleep will help her sort out all her feelings. Let her adventures help you into your own good night's sleep as you rest and relax with tonight's story.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 4

Mr. Elton is back in town, and everyone's talking about his new bride. The soon-to-be Mrs. Elton is from a good, if unremarkable family, and most importantly of all, has ten thousand pounds. Emma is most concerned about the effect of this news on poor Harriet - along with her renewed acquaintance with the Martins, this has been a lot for her to handle. Everyone could use a rest, and that is exactly what you will get as this week's story helps ease you into a night of restful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 3

Highbury is abuzz with big news - Mr. Elton is engaged! All we know is that her name is Miss Hawkins, and she has ten thousand pounds, which is plenty to start the gossip mill churning. And now Emma has to break the news to poor Harriet, who is still reeling from an unexpected run-in with Mr. Martin in town. While it's a lot of excitement for Emma, it's also perfect to help you slow your mind, rest, and float away into a night of peaceful slumber.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 2

Jane Fairfax is in town, so it's time for a deep dive into her story. As an orphan without inheritance, her visit to Highbury is her last hurrah before accepting her fate as a governess. Emma is charmed by her elegance, but underwhelmed by Jane's personality - so cold, and worst of all, boring. But boring is perfect to help you settle in to another night of restful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 2, Chapter 1

Emma, still trying to distract Harriet from Mr. Elton, comes up with the perfect solution - a visit to the Bates household. Unfortunately for Emma, this means listening to Miss Bates's endless commentary about Jane Fairfax (who is coming to Highbury next week). But fortunately for you, dear listener, Miss Bates's musings are perfect to lull you off into a night of peaceful and restful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 18

More bad news - Frank Churchill is not coming to Highbury after all. Emma and Mr. Knightley spar over their interpretations of what Frank's seemingly perpetual delays mean about his character. It's all in good fun, at least for Emma, though she's surprised at the intensity of Mr. Knightley's contentions. Emma's not too upset about Frank Churchill not showing up, though, because that means there's more time to rest. Let her conversations help you rest too, as this week's story carries you off into another night of peaceful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 17

Mr. Elton has unexpectedly left town, and rather rudely as well. But Emma isn't too bothered by it, because it gives her space to do the thing she's been dreading the most - telling Harriet that Mr. Elton was never in love with her. Harriet bears it as well as can be expected. Now that Emma has finally lifted herself of that burden, she needs a rest, and so do you. Let this week's story carry you off into a pleasant and relaxing state of slumber.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 16

Back at home, Emma contemplates Mr. Elton's unexpected proposal. How could things have taken such an unexpected turn? Emma vows never to get involved in setting two people up again, and a good night's sleep puts her back in good spirits. Let a good night's sleep do the same for you as this week's story soothes you into a peaceful state of slumber.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 15 - Part 2

As Emma and Mr. Elton make their way home from the Christmas party, she makes a shocking discovery - Mr. Elton has been in love with her, not Harriet, this whole time! He proposes marriage, and unfortunately, it's not just the excessive wine talking. Both are mortified. Emma needs to contemplate how things went wrong, and as she does, let her conversations and ruminations carry you on a journey into restful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 15 - Part 1

The Christmas party at Randalls moves to the drawing room, and Mr. Elton's behavior is increasingly bothersome. But before Emma can fret too much, the party learns that it has been snowing this whole time - making it imperative for the two most anxious Woodhouses (Mr. Woodhouse and Isabella) to return home. Luckily for you, you're safe and warm in your own bed and tonight's story will help you drift peacefully into another night of restful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 14

Christmas dinner at Randalls continues, and once Emma extricates herself from Mr. Elton's excessive overtures, she receives an exciting piece of news. Mr. Frank Churchill will be joining them in January. Emma's always liked the idea of the two of them together, and soon enough she'll get the chance to meet him. As she ponders, let your mind wander into deep and restful sleep with this week's story.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 13

Christmas is here, and the Westons are planning a party at their home. Sadly, Harriet has a cold and can't make it, and Emma is surprised that Mr. Elton is still very enthusiastic about attending. Where is his care for his beloved? To complicate things further, it seems that snow is on the way, just as they are all leaving for Randalls. It's going to be a long night, so settle in and let their story help you into a night of restful and restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 12

Mr. Knightley joins the party for the evening at Hartfield, and he and Emma are finally ready to make up after their disagreement about Harriet and Mr. Martin. With that out of the way, the two are able to enjoy a lively evening discussing the ins and outs of Donwell Abbey (the Knightley brothers), and the benefits of gruel and evils of sea air (Mr. Woodhouse and his daughters). Their conversation is just inane enough to keep you amused as you drift into restful sleep with this week's story.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 11

Harriet and Mr. Elton are temporarily forgotten, as Emma's sister and brother-in-law are in town from London! Everyone is thrilled to see Mr. and Mrs. John Knightley and their five children, and no one more so than Mr. Woodhouse. Get to know the rest of the family as they catch up on Highbury news together, and let their pleasant conversations help you drift into pleasant sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 10

Emma and Harriet set off on a noble outing to help the poor, and their walking path happens to pass by a certain vicar's house. Emma's best efforts lead to some spirited conversations between Harriet and Mr. Elton, but something is keeping him back from declaring his love for her friend. She just has to be patient and give it time, and as she does, let her schemes and plans continue to soothe you into a peaceful and restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 9 - Part 3

Our saga of Mr. Elton's charade comes to a conclusion, as Emma and Harriet share the note with Mr. Woodhouse, which quickly turns into him fretting about Isabella's upcoming visit to Hartfield. The girls are soon joined by Mr. Elton himself, who won't admit to anything, but Emma knows he just needs a little more time and encouragement to declare his love for Harriet. As Emma keeps up her scheming, let her plans help you on your way to another night of peaceful slumber.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 9 - Part 2

With Emma's revelation that Mr. Elton's charade was really a love note to Harriet, the two friends must celebrate, process their feelings, and figure out what to do next. Harriet is elated, and Emma is content - everything is playing out exactly as she planned. As the two of them revel in Mr. Elton's newly reavealed affections, let their hopes and schemes help you drift off into deep and restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 9 - Part 1

Emma and Harriet's friendship just keeps growing, and their latest adventure is collecting charades and riddles for Harriet's new collection. Of course, they had to ask Mr. Elton to contribute, and Emma is certain his charade sounds suspiciously like a love note to Harriet. If only Mr. Knightley could see this - Emma knows he'd admit he was wrong. And as for Harriet, she is simply speechless at her good fortune. Let their rhymes and musings take you on a journey into relaxing and restful sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 8

It is always a delight when Mr. Knightley visits the Woodhouses at Hartfield, but today's visit soon turns quarrelsome when Mr. Knightley realizes that Emma convinced Harriet to refuse Mr. Martin's proposal. But surely, what can Mr. Knightley know about the passionate love that Emma sees between Mr. Elton and Harriet? The conversation may be tense, but it isn't enough to change Emma's mind about how to best help her friend. Let their words take you on a journey into restful and restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 7

Emma's friendship with Harriet is deepening, and not a moment too soon, because Harriet has just received a proposal from Mr. Martin of Abbey Mill Farm. Harriet needs help figuring out what to do, and luckily for them both, Emma is there to guide her (but of course, never to influence Harriet's decision). All Harriet needs is a reminder of her superior status, and of Mr. Elton's affections, to help her make the right decision and refuse Mr. Martin. What would she do without Emma? Let Harriet's contemplation and Emma's guidance guide you into a deep, rich, and restorative slumber.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 6

Emma's new plan to match Harriet and Mr. Elton is going splendidly. What else could explain Mr. Elton's rapturous praise of the portrait of Harriet that Emma just painted? There is only one explanation - falling in love. Emma is certain of it. Let Emma's art and Mr. Elton's compliments carry you off into a deep and restful slumber with this week's episode.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 5

Emma's burgeoning friendship with Harriet Smith is big news, and the subject of disagreement between her friend and former governess Mrs. Weston, and her brother-in-law Mr. Knightley. Both care for Emma, and both of them think they know best. But who is right? You be the judge as you let their conversation help transport you into a restful state of deep sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 4

Emma and Harriet are becoming fast friends, and their long walks are the perfect time for Harriet to talk all about her friends the Martins, who own a farm nearby. She's particularly enamored of the young Mr. Robert Martin, but Emma knows Harriet should do better - namely, the vicar Mr. Elton. Emma is sure that Harriet and Mr. Elton are a perfect match, and all she needs to do is keep engineering opportunities for them to cross paths. As Emma schemes, let her plans take you on a journey into soft and gentle slumber. 

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 3

Highbury is full of characters, and this week a few have joined the Woodhouses at dinner. We have Mrs. and Miss Bates, the widow of a vicar and her good-natured daughter, and Mrs. Goddard, who runs a school. And luckily for Emma, Mrs. Goddard brought one of her pupils this week, Harriet Smith, a very pretty girl who Emma just knows would benefit from her tutelage. The evening will pass quickly with this crew, so let their tales take you down the path into restorative sleep.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 2

Emma's governess, Miss Taylor, married Mr. Weston, and it's time to learn some more about him. A widower, he has a son from his first marriage named Frank Churchill, who was raised by his rich aunt and uncle. Nonetheless, Mr. Weston is a good sort of man. His rich son is the pride of Highbury (though he's never been there), and Miss Taylor feels lucky to have found such a good match. Let the Westons' respectable story help you fall into a deep and restful sleep with this week's episode.

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Emma, Volume 1, Chapter 1

Season 2 is here! Join us as we meet Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever and rich - well intentioned, but perhaps a little too used to getting her own way. After seeing her dear governess married, she's trying to keep her kind but curmudgeonly father, Mr. Woodhouse, in good spirits, as well as trying to convince her family friend Mr. Knightley that matchmaking is a good use of her time. (Just look at how successfully she matched her governess!) Let the world of the Woodhouses help transport you into a state of deep and restful slumber. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 61

We made it - the final chapter of Pride and Prejudice! Elizabeth and Darcy, and Jane and Bingley, are married, and all that remains is to get a glimpse into what their happily married lives look like. Join us as we conclude the narrative for the Bennets, and let this week's episode help you fall into a peaceful and restorative sleep. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 60

Elizabeth and Darcy are finally engaged, and getting ready to settle down. It's the perfect time to banter, inform their relations, and avoid the ones whose behavior is less than ideal (*cough* Mrs. Phillips *cough*). For once, Lizzy is content, so allow her pleasant experience to help you drift off into a pleasant and restful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 59

Now that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are engaged, there's just one more hurdle - telling her family. How will Jane, and Mr. Bennet, and Mrs. Bennet react? Lizzy is worried, and has to convince everyone that she really does love Mr. Darcy. After doing that three times, she's exhausted and needs a rest, and so do you. Allow yourself to drift into relaxing and restorative sleep with this week's story.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 58

Mr. Darcy's back in town. Will he visit Elizabeth or will Lady Catherine's diatribe put him off her forever? Don't worry, it takes more than an angry aunt to thwart his love, and one long walk later, Elizabeth and Darcy are engaged - for real this time! There's so much for the two of them to sort out and clarify with each other, and once it's done, Elizabeth is ready to rest. Let the happy couple's happy news help bring you into joyful and restorative sleep with this week's episode.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 57

A letter is in from Mr. Collins! Normally that's enough to put you to sleep on its own, but this one is more interesting than usual. According to Mr. Collins, Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are engaged, which is big news to Mr. Bennet. He thinks it's hilarious, but for Lizzy it's just confusing, and a bit embarrassing. She needs to sleep on it to proccess her feelings, and so do you. So let this week's story help you find your way into peaceful and relaxing slumber. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 56

News travels fast, and not always accurately - Lady Catherine de Bourgh has arrived at Longbourn with the impression that Elizabeth is engaged to Mr. Darcy. How could this obstinate, headstrong girl get in the way of her ladyship's daughter's tacit engagement? Lady Catherine cannot let it stand, but Elizabeth will not give in that easily. After such a heated conversation, she needs a moment to rest. Let yourself rest too as today's story helps you fall into a deep and restorative sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 55

The moment has arrived! *wink wink* Mr. Bingley and Jane are engaged! We all knew how it would be in the end. Five thousand a year! Elizabeth is thrilled for Jane, and is particularly thankful that Mr. Darcy's meddling didn't come to light. What a delightful turn of events for the Bennets. Celebrate with them by letting this week's story help you drift into calm, relaxing, and restful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 54

It's a few months later than Mrs. Bennet planned, but the Netherfield gentlemen are finally at Longbourn for their dinner date. While it's clear that sparks are flying once more between Bingley and Jane, it's less clear what Darcy is doing there. Why show up if he's not even going to try to talk to Lizzy? She's working herself up trying to figure out what is going on - she needs to pause to rest and regroup her thoughts. Let her story help you take your own pause and take you on a journey into restful and restorative sleep. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 53

Lydia and Wickham are off, but that's all right because there is even bigger news: Mr. Bingley is back at Netherfield! What does it mean - is he back for Jane? And more pressingly for Elizabeth, why is Mr. Darcy with him? The gentlemen's visit to Longbourn raises more questions than it answers, despite Mrs. Bennet's excessive civility. Best to take some time to rest and think about what it all could mean, so let this week's episode help carry you into relaxing and restorative slumber. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 52

Mrs. Gardiner's letter arrives and Lizzy learns the truth of Mr. Darcy's involvement in Lydia and Wickham's marriage. Mrs. Gardiner seems to think he did everything for Lizzy - could it be true? But before she can figure it out, Wickham appears in the garden to take a walk. What will help Lizzy is a good night's rest to think things over, just like you will get a good night's rest as you let tonight's story take you on a journey into relaxing and restorative sleep. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 51

Lydia and Wickham have arrived at Longbourn. Somehow, Lydia seems totally unaware of what she put her family through, thoroughly shocking Elizabeth and Jane. As always, she won't stop chattering away, which leads to the revelation that Mr. Darcy was at her wedding?! Lizzy doesn't know what to think. What could it mean? A good night's rest will clear her head, and it will clear yours too as you let this week's story help transport you into blissful sleep. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 50

It's really happening - Lydia is going to marry Wickham. And in reflecting on their upcoming marriage, Lizzy realizes that perhaps she was too hasty in rejecting Mr. Darcy. Meanwhile, Mrs. Bennet has finally returned downstairs, and with a little coaxing from Lizzy and Jane, Mr. Bennet will even let Lydia and Wickham visit Longbourn before Wickham relocates to the North. The Bennets all need a good night's rest to prepare themselves for that visit, and this week's story will help you fall into deep and restful sleep as well. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 49

The Bennets finally receive word from Mr. Gardiner - Lydia and Mr. Wickham are to be married! What a relief. Yes, Mr. Gardiner probably paid Wickham off, and Mr. Bennet has no idea how to repay him, but they'll worry about that later. It's such great news that Mrs. Bennet is ready to leave her room, tell the world her joy, and of course order wedding clothes. In all of the excitement, Lizzy retreats to her room for a moment of quiet - the kind of quiet respite you will feel upon letting this week's episode help you fall into deep and restful sleep. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 48

The ladies of Longbourn are on edge, waiting for a letter from London to give word of Lydia and Wickham. All they've gotten so far is condolences from Mr. Collins, which were...not helpful. But soon, Mr. Bennet returns, and even though he didn't fight Wickham in a duel to make him marry Lydia, the family is glad to have him back home. Let his calming presence help soothe you into a deep and restful slumber. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 47

Lizzy is back at Longbourn at last, and not a minute too soon. No one has heard from Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet won't leave her room, and Jane is holding everyone together. Though things may be chaotic at Longbourn, they won't be for you as you let this week's story help you drift off into deep and restorative sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 46

Jane's letters finally arrive at Lambton, and Lizzy is in for a shock - Lydia has run off with Mr. Wickham! And Mr. Darcy arrived just in time to learn all about it. So much for seeing him again. Emotions are high, but Lizzy and the Gardiners make it to the carriage and are on the way back to Longbourn. Let their journey help you on your own journey into restful and relaxing slumber. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 45

Elizabeth and Mrs. Gardiner return to Pemberley to call on Miss Darcy, only to find themselves with Miss Bingley, Mrs. Hurst, and Mr. Darcy himself. This visit - fun? I should as soon call Miss Bingley a friend. Elizabeth needs a rest after vying for Mr. Darcy's attention with a desperate rival, and this week's story will help you get a good night's rest too. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 44

Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, and Georgiana are coming to visit at Lambton. Elizabeth is eager for them to like her, and they are just as enthusiastic. It seems...good? Lizzy isn't sure what her feelings mean, and is up late into the night agonizing about what is happening. But no need for you to agonize, as tonight's story will help you clear your mind and relax into restorative sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 43 - Part 2

Mr. Darcy is at Pemberley! And just as Elizabeth was getting comfortable on her tour. It's hard to say who is more embarrassed at this chance run-in. But strangely enough, Mr. Darcy's manners are completely transformed. Might he actually be civil, and dare we say, pleasant? This is far too much for Elizabeth to take in. She is ready to rest after such an eventful day, and you will be too with tonight's relaxing story.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 43 - Part 1

Elizabeth has arrived at Pemberley. It really is a beautiful home, with stunning grounds. What it would have been to be its mistress! And Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper, is a delightful tour guide. All of Elizabeth's notions of Mr. Darcy are getting turned upside down - what a lot of feelings to sort through! She needs to rest and gather her thoughts, and so will you as tonight's story helps you fall into restful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 42

As the Bennets adjust to Lydia's absence, Lizzy prepares for her summer trip with the Gardiners - they arrive, and the party is off to Derbyshire. And not just anywhere in Derbyshire, but only a few miles from Pemberley! But Mr. Darcy isn't in town, so it should be safe to visit. Nonetheless, Lizzy will need to steel herself with a good night's rest beforehand, and so will you with tonight's story.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 41

Lydia is going to Brighton! And though Lizzy tried to convince Mr. Bennet not to let her go, he didn't heed her advice. At least the departure of the regiment means they'll never see Mr. Wickham again...right? Without Lydia and the officers nearby, Longourn will finally see some peace and quiet, perfect for slowing down and relaxing - just like you will relax into restful and restorative sleep with this week's episode.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 39-40

Elizabeth and Jane are back at Longbourn! Well, almost - they just have to get through one long carriage ride with Kitty and Lydia prattling away before they are home. And once they're home, Elizabeth can finally share the news of Mr. Darcy's proposal - and the truth about Mr. Wickham - with Jane. Let their journey home help you journey off into a good night's sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 37-38

Elizabeth's visit to Hunsford is drawing to a close. Just a few more dinners with Lady Catherine, some interminable parting words from Mr. Collins, and they will be on their way. What a six weeks it's been! After everything she's gone through, a good night's rest is just what Elizabeth needs - and so do you! Let this week's story help you find your way into deep and restorative sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 36

Elizabeth is reading and re-reading Mr. Darcy's letter, trying to make sense of it all. Who knew one letter could fundamentally alter everything you thought was true? Not to mention, she's been walking around the park the whole time! No wonder she's exhausted! Time for her, and you, to process your feelings with a night of sound, restful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 35

Be not alarmed listeners, on this episode, because Mr. Darcy just gave Lizzy a letter, and he has a lot to say. From his role in separating Jane and Bingley, to a full account of his dealings with Mr. Wickham, it's time to snuggle up under the covers and let Mr. Darcy's words take you into restful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 34

Mr. Darcy proposed! What else is there to say - although he's the last man on earth whom Lizzy could ever be prevailed upon to marry, we ardently hope this week's story will help you drift into restful and restorative sleep. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 33

Lizzy runs into Colonel Fitzwilliam in the park, and receives devastating new information about Mr. Darcy and his role in Bingley and Jane's relationship. Lizzy, and you, will need to lie down - while you're there, let this week's story help you relax into deep sleep. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 31-32

The Hunsford party spends the evening at Rosings, where Elizabeth plays and sings (Lady Catherine thinks she'd be much better if she practiced). Soon afterward, Mr. Darcy makes an unexpected visit to Hunsford...why is he visiting if he has nothing to say? The silences may be awkward, but at least they can help take you off into restful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 29-30

The invitation has arrived: dinner at Rosings Park! Lizzy finally meets the legendary patroness herself, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. And if Lady Catherine's questions weren't enough for her to deal with, Mr. Darcy and his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam just arrived at Rosings too. It's enough to make you want to lay your head down and rest, so let this week's story help you relax into restorative sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 27-28

Elizabeth is on the move! First stop London, next stop Hunsford. So many sights to see and people to meet. And, is that Lady Catherine de Bourgh in the lane? No, it's just Mrs. Jenkinson. Let the tale of Elizabeth's travels help you travel into a state of deep, restful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 25-26

It's Christmas, and the Gardiners are visiting from London. Mrs. Gardiner's words of wisdom are a balm to Elizabeth, and Jane leaves Hertfordshire with them for some time away in London. Visiting London means seeing Jane's old friend Caroline Bingley too, and everything is not what it seems with her. Let her journey soothe you into a deep and refreshing sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 23-24

Mr. Collins is back at Longbourn, planning his wedding with Charlotte. But according to Caroline's latest letter, Mr. Bingley won't be back anytime soon - poor Jane! And really, poor Mrs. Bennet. Will nobody consider the effects of their actions on her poor nerves? She needs to lie down and rest, and so do you, as tonight's story carries you off into deep sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 21-22

The Bingleys have suddenly quit Netherfield, and Caroline hints it's because Mr. Bingley is set to marry Georgiana Darcy. Is she telling the truth, or is it wishful thinking? Jane isn't sure what to think. And Charlotte agreed to marry Mr. Collins! Elizabeth isn't sure what to think either. Sounds like they need to sleep on it! Let their story help YOU sleep on it as you close your eyes and relax to the soothing words of Jane Austen.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 19-20

Mr. Collins has marriage on the mind, and he won't take no for an answer. Lizzy is refusing, Mrs. Bennet's nerves are on edge, and the disarray has even disturbed Mr. Bennet's peace in his library. What a scene! The chaos will make you want to lie down, close your eyes, and let the soothing words of this week's episode calm you into a deep sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 17-18

It's finally here - the Netherfield ball. A night of music, dancing, and every member of the Bennet family doing their best to embarrass Lizzy. How exhausting! A good night's sleep will help everyone recover their dignity, so let this week's story help you relax into blissful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 15-16

The Longbourn ladies meet a mysterious new man in town, Mr. Wickham. Lizzy learns some scandalous new information about Mr. Darcy. Wickham has given her a lot to think about! A good night's rest will give her, and you, time to think. Let tonight's story help you drift off into comfortable sleep. 

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 13-14

Guess who's coming to dinner? No, it's not Mr. Bingley, it's the heir to Longbourn, Mr. Collins. If you've been preparing your compliments to your patroness like he has, you are probably exhausted. Let this week's episode help you drift off, rest, and recover.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 11-12

Miss Bingley and Elizabeth take a turn about the room and learn that Mr. Darcy's good opinion, once lost, is lost forever. Jane and Elizabeth finally return to Longbourn - what better place for a good night's sleep than your own bed? Snuggle up in your bed and let this week's episode lull you into tranquil sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 9-10

Mr. Darcy grows even more bewitched by Elizabeth's fine eyes. And Mrs. Bennet will have you know that though they may be in the country, they dine with four-and-twenty families. That kind of social calendar requires one to be well-rested! Keep yourself in shape for country dinners by letting this week's episode transport you into restful sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 7-8

Mrs. Bennet's scheme works a little too well, and Jane is stuck at Netherfield with a cold. Elizabeth braves three miles of mud to see her sister, enough to tire anyone out! Let her journey help you on your own journey into deep and comforting sleep.

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 4-6

Jane and Bingley get closer, and Mr. Darcy discovers the joys of Elizabeth Bennet's fine eyes. This week's story will help your fine eyes drift off into slumber.  

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Pride and Prejudice, Chapters 1-3

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Pride and Prejudice is perfect for helping you sleep. Mr. Bennet meets Mr. Bingley, Mr. Bingley meets Jane, Mr. Darcy meets Lizzy - the stage is set for a relaxing journey into love and marriage.

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