Sherlock Holmes Bedtime Stories

Fall asleep with your favorite comfort bedtime stories: the complete Sherlock Holmes in timeline order.



The Hound of the Baskervilles, Chapter 6

Baskerville Hall

Our story shifts from London to Devon, as Watson accompanies Dr. Mortimer and Sir Henry Baskerville to Baskerville Hall. The moor is ominous, and it is not helped by the fact that an escaped murderer may be on the loose. Holmes has tasked Watson with gathering information on the neighbors and other characters who live on the moor, with the hopes that one of them may lead to the truth about Sir Charles's death. As Watson sets off on his journey, let it carry you away into an evening of restful and relaxing sleep.

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The Hound of the Baskervilles, Chapter 5

Three Broken Threads

Sherlock Holmes has three leads on the Baskerville case, and he is confident that one will show him the right path to follow to learn the truth. But over the course of the evening, each of Holmes's threads gets broken - from the cutout of the Times, to the mysterious man in the cab, to the cab driver himself. None are able to give him the information he dearly needs. That means that it is up to Dr. Watson, who is set to accompany Sir Henry Baskerville up to Devonshire to learn more about the secrets of Baskerville Hall. Holmes's threads may be broken, but his adventures will help you spin your own thread into another night of peaceful and restorative slumber.

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The Hound of the Baskervilles, Chapter 4

Sir Henry Baskerville

The heir to Baskerville Hall, Sir Henry Baskerville, has arrived at Baker Street and quickly realizes he's gotten into a situation that is more than he bargained for. A mysterious note and a missing boot already indicate that something sinister is afoot. Luckily Holmes is on the case, and even though his attempt to catch the man who's following Baskerville is thwarted, he has several threads he can follow to hopefully lead him to the truth. As the investigation begins, let the journey of the case take you on your own journey into a night of deep and relaxing sleep.

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The Hound of the Baskervilles, Chapter 3

The Problem

More details are revealed about the death at Baskerville Hall and the mysterious creature that seems to be associated with it. Holmes is already forming theories, but the more immediate question is what to do about the heir to Baskerville Hall, Sir Henry, who is arriving in London any minute. Holmes needs to sleep on it to get his thoughts in order before he decides what to do, and as he ponders, let it help you get your own good night's sleep as tonight's story carries you off into an evening of restorative slumber.

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The Hound of the Baskervilles, Chapter 2

The Curse of the Baskervilles

Holmes and Watson's new client, Dr. James Mortimer, has brought them a tantalizing new case, the murder of Sir Charles Baskerville. They learn of the ancient Baskerville family curse, involving an otherworldly hound that haunts the moors near Baskerville Hall. Though the police inquest into Sir Charles's death did not suggest foul play, there was one crucial fact missing - that next to his body were found the footprints of a giant hound. There's more to this case than meets the eye, and as the plot thickens, let it distract your mind and take you into another night of deep and restful slumber.

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The Hound of the Baskervilles, Chapter 1

Mr. Sherlock Holmes

The excitement never stops for Holmes and Watson, as this week they begin a brand new case. It all starts with a walking stick, left by a new client the night before. Watson attempts to deduce who the client may be, but it seems like Watson is better as an inspiration for deduction rather than the deducer himself, as his suppositions are almost entirely wrong. Just as Holmes is concluding his thoughts, the client himself appears - a Dr. James Mortimer, whose errand is as of yet unknown. Settle in under the covers and allow this brand new tale to take you on a journey into a night of soft and restorative sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 12, Part 2

The Strange Story of Jonathan Small

The saga finally reaches its end, as Jonathan Small reveals the connections to Morstan, Sholto, and the elusive treasure. It's a winding tale that spans multiple decades and continents, all leading up to this final night on Baker Street. At last, Holmes and Watson can put this case to bed, and as they do, let the final conclusion put you to bed as you drift off into a night of deep and peaceful sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 12, Part 1

The Strange Story of Jonathan Small

With Jonathan Small in custody, the truth of the story of the treasure and the Sign of the Four will finally come to light. Small's story takes us back to India; how he lost his leg, how he met the compatriots that would become the Four, and most importantly, how they acquired the treasure. The tale is full of twists and turns, and let them take your mind away on its own journey into relaxing and restorative sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 11

The Great Agra Treasure

Holmes and Watson have finally caught their culprit and their treasure, and the case is nearing its end. But first, Watson has to return the treasure to Miss Mary Morstan. In the process, Watson and Miss Morstan may just acquire their own treasure of a different sort. As our story comes closer to its conclusion, let it carry you away into another night of rest and relaxation.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 10

The End of the Islander

The investigation heightens as Holmes, Watson and Athelney Jones of Scotland Yard make their way to the Thames to find their suspect. Will the police steam launch be fast enough to catch the killers? And will our protagonists make it out alive? The chase is on, and we are closing in on the truth. Let the excitement of Holmes and Watson's night on the Thames help you forget your day, relax, and drift off into deep and restful sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 9

A Break in the Chain

The search for the murderer continues, and Holmes pursues every option available to catch the killers. A day spent on the Thames with a clever disguise finally leads him to a potential break. All that's left is getting Scotland Yard's support with a speedy riverboat and police backup to chase down the suspects. As our case enters its final act, let it help you close your day and drift off into a night of restorative and peaceful sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 8

The Baker Street Irregulars

Holmes and Watson track down their suspects to a steam launch on the Thames, but the boat has gone missing and the trail is cold from there. Luckily, Holmes's network of street children, the Baker Street Irregulars are on the case. The truth is slowly becoming clearer, as long as Holmes and Watson can get evidence to bring the culprits down in time. As their search continues, let it take your mind away into another night of soft and restful sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 7

The Episode of the Barrel

As they await the arrival of the police, Holmes and Watson begin their investigation into the murder of Bartholomew Sholto. Clues abound at the scene of the crime, and they are quickly able to deduce how the murderer entered (the roof), and the murder weapon (a poisoned thorn). They are even able to determine important identifying characteristics of the murderer. With their deductions in hand, Holmes and Watson are ready to set off to catch their suspect. Join them on their journey as their powers of deduction help power you down from the day and into a relaxing night of peaceful sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 6

Sherlock Holmes Gives a Demonstration

As they await the arrival of the police, Holmes and Watson begin their investigation into the murder of Bartholomew Sholto. Clues abound at the scene of the crime, and they are quickly able to deduce how the murderer entered (the roof), and the murder weapon (a poisoned thorn). They are even able to determine important identifying characteristics of the murderer. With their deductions in hand, Holmes and Watson are ready to set off to catch their suspect. Join them on their journey as their powers of deduction help power you down from the day and into a relaxing night of peaceful sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 5

The Tragedy of Pondicherry Lodge

Our protagonists reach Pondicherry Lodge, only to be greeted by a tragedy. Bartholomew Sholto is dead, and the treasure is nowhere to be found. All that remains is a note with the message, "The Sign of the Four." Everything seems to be shrouded in chaos and mystery, but if there's one person who can make sense of it all, it's Sherlock Holmes. So snuggle up under the covers and settle in with tonight's story, as it helps you find your way into another night of deep and restorative sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 4

The Story of the Bald-Headed Man

The mysterious man is Thaddeus Sholto, and he does indeed have answers - some, but not all. Holmes, Watson, and Miss Morstan are enraptured by his story of treasure, taken from India and hidden somewhere in London. Sholto and his twin brother Bartholomew have found the treasure, and Miss Morstan stands to inherit it all. All they have to do is head to Pondicherry Lodge and claim it, and then Mary Morstan will be one of the richest heiresses in England. It is a wondrous tale, so let it take your mind off your day and into a state of deep relaxation for a night of restful sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 3

In Quest of a Solution

The case kicks into gear, as Holmes, Watson, and Mary Morstan head to the Lyceum Theatre to meet their mysterious correspondent. They are shuttled away from the city center to an unknown location, which only Holmes is able to track. And at the end of their journey they are greeted by a strange man who promises to provide answers. As the plot thickens, let it help your eyes become heavy and your mind become relaxed, and take you into a night of quiet and sound slumber.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 2

The Statement of the Case

Holmes and Watson meet Mary Morstan and learn the facts of her case. Ten years ago, after returning from a posting in India, her father disappeared. Six years ago, she started receiving expensive pearls in the post. And this morning, she received an anonymous invitation to meet an unknown friend in London. Before long, Holmes and Watson have arranged to go with her to this meeting and help her uncover the truth. (It doesn't hurt that Watson finds Miss Morstan quite a becoming young lady, either.) The stage is set for a new mystery, and let it help you drift away into another night of peaceful and restorative sleep.

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The Sign of the Four, Chapter 1

The Science of Deduction

After all the excitement of the previous case, we rejoin Holmes and Watson...and they are bored out of their minds. There's a lull in new cases, and Holmes is aching for a new puzzle to stimulate his mind. Luckily for him, he doesn't need to rely on substances too much longer because Mary Morstan has showed up on his doorstep, with a new mystery for him to unravel. So snuggle up under the covers and settle in for a new adventure as tonight's story takes you on a journey into quiet and restful sleep.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 2, Chapter 7 & Epilogue

The Trapping of Birdy Edwards

The tale of the Scowrers comes to its conclusion as the identity of Pinkerton detective Birdy Edwards is revealed, and justice is served. The epilogue brings us back to Holmes, Watson, the mystery of Birlstone, and the dark and mysterious forces lurking just beneath the surface. As our case finally reaches its end, let it help you end your day and fall into another night of peaceful slumber.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 2, Chapter 6


Trouble is brewing for the Scowrers. A Pinkerton detective is on their trail, and if he gets them, it could spell the end of their reign of terror in Vermissa. Luckily, McMurdo has a plan to stop this mysterious detective in his tracks. Will he be successful? As the Scowrers scheme, let them help you forget your day and drift off into deep and restorative sleep.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 2, Chapter 5

The Darkest Hour

Murder is in the air in Vermissa, and no one is safe. McMurdo observes his first crime, and soon afterwards he's chosen by the Scowrers to take on a job himself. The entire Vermissa Valley is a Valley of Fear, and our man McMurdo is getting in even deeper than before. As his story unfolds, let it carry you away from the day and into a night of deep and restful sleep.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 2, Chapter 4

The Valley of Fear

As McMurdo gets even more entangled with the Freemen, he receives a warning about their true murderous nature. Soon after, he's taken in by the police in connection with a crime. McMurdo and his fellow Freemen get off with a mere slap on the wrist, and are once again set free - the Freemen are seemingly untouchable in Vermissa. But how long can it last? As you consider, let those thoughts help you forget the worries of the day and drift into another night of peaceful and restorative sleep.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 2, Chapter 3

Lodge 341, Vermissa

McMurdo's involvement with the Freemen in Vermissa deepens, as he undergoes an initiation ritual and officially joins the ranks of their secret society. He is immediately brought into their violent acts and joins with enthusiasm, perhaps too much enthusiasm. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are dark happenings in Vermissa and someone needs to get to the bottom of it. As we search for the truth, let the words of our story help you sink into a state of deep relaxation and slumber.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 2, Chapter 2

The Bodymaster

As our flashback to the Valley of Fear continues, we meet more key players in this story from the past. There's McMurdo's new love, a young woman named Ettie, and a romantic rival for her affections, Ted Baldwin. McMurdo is part of a secret society, the Eminent Order of Freemen - a society that has a dark reputation. Their leader, Boss McGinty, is a cruel man with an iron grip on the town of Vermissa. The plot is thickening, and as it does, let it carry you off into another night of deep and restful sleep.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 2, Chapter 1

The Man

The second part of our story takes us back in time to the origins of the Valley of Fear. In the American West, we meet a man named Jack McMurdo, who has a murky past and a quick temper. He is on his way to the mining town of Vermissa, though his purpose in going there remains unclear. McMurdo's fate is entwined with the events of Birlstone, so settle in under the covers and let this week's take your mind on a journey into rest and relaxation.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 1, Chapter 7

The Solution

The first part of our story concludes with Holmes revealing the dramatic truth of the tragedy of Birlstone, and what really happened to Mr. Douglas. It is a shocking conclusion, but only the beginning of an even more mysterious past that will soon come to light. As the story reaches its end, let it help you end your own evening and move into another night of restorative sleep.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 1, Chapter 6

A Dawning Light

Having acquainted themselves with the important people in the case, it's now time for Holmes and Watson to start exploring their theories of what happened that fateful night. Meanwhile, Inspector Mac and local policeman White Mason have done some investigating of their own, and uncovered an unknown, unnamed man who came into Birlstone the day of the murder and hasn't been seen since. The truth is getting closer - or is it? As Holmes and Watson seek it out, join them on their journey and let it carry you into rest and relaxation.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 1, Chapter 5

The People of the Drama

The investigation of Douglas's murder continues with interviews with the key players. The butler, the housekeeper, the friend, and the wife are all thoroughly questioned by Holmes and Inspector Mac. From these, we learn that Douglas knew he was being followed by suspicious and unknown people, and that it's all wrapped up in the mysterious "Valley of Fear." The plot is thickening, and as it does, this week's story will take you into another night of restful and restorative slumber.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 1, Chapter 4


Holmes, Watson, and Inspector Mac reach Birlstone and begin their investigation with an examination of the scene of the crime. Things are peculiar, and of course, Holmes is the first to notice them. From confusing footprints to items that don't quite make sense, it's a remarkable case indeed. As our investigators explore, let their questions and suppositions distract your mind from the worries of the day and carry you off into warm and peaceful sleep.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 1, Chapter 3

The Tragedy of Birlstone

Before proceeding too much further with the investigation, Watson gives us the background for the case at hand. Who was Mr. Douglas? Who are the key players around him? What was the environment like at Birlstone? And most importantly, what did the local police encounter on the night of the crime? Watson answers these questions and more...but there are still more questions to be answered about that fateful night. As our protagonists set the stage for their investigation, let their story help you set the stage for settling into another night of cozy and restful sleep.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 1, Chapter 2

Sherlock Holmes Discourses

Holmes and Watson are joined by Inspector MacDonald from Scotland Yard, who has brought the news of Douglas's murder at Birlstone. Holmes is convinced this is the work of the master of crime, Professor Moriarty, and makes a compelling case to Inspector Mac - compelling enough that the Inspector invites Holmes and Watson to join him at Birlstone to investigate. The plot is thickening, and it is exactly what you need to help carry you off into deep and peaceful slumber.

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The Valley of Fear, Part 1, Chapter 1

The Warning

A new saga begins, as Holmes and Watson face off against Holmes's toughest opponent yet - Professor Moriarty. Upon receiving a cipher from one of Moriarty's agents, Holmes deduces that someone named Douglas at Birlstone House is in danger. And what do you know, Holmes's deduction is immediately followed by a message from Scotland Yard that a Mr. Douglas has just been murdered. A new mystery is afoot, and as it unfolds, let it take your mind off the day and down into the depths of another night of restful sleep.

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The Adventure of the Copper Beeches, Part 3

The mystery at Copper Beeches reaches its thrilling conclusion as Holmes reveals the truth behind all of the suspicious occurrences. Once again, Holmes has put another case to bed - and this week's story will put you to bed, too, as it carries you off into deep and peaceful sleep.

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The Adventure of the Copper Beeches, Part 2

A fortnight after Violet Hunter's initial visit, Holmes and Watson receive word that she desperately needs them in Winchester. Off they go to join her, and when they arrive, they are greeted by a spellbinding story of suspicious rules, a forbidden wing of the house, and bizarre behavior all around. Holmes is on the case, and his investigation is just the thing to ease you into an evening of rest and relaxation.

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The Adventure of the Copper Beeches, Part 1

A new week means a new client and a new adventure for Holmes and Watson. Tonight, they meet Violet Hunter, a young woman who has received a suspicious, yet lucrative job offer to be a governess at a country estate called the Copper Beeches. After getting Holmes's advice, Violet sets off, with a directive to send a telegram to Holmes if she needs him. Something sinister may be afoot, and as it unfolds, let the new story help you drift off into another night of peaceful sleep.

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The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet, Part 2

Holmes and Watson make their way to Holder's house to examine the evidence and come to a conclusion regarding the truth of who really stole the priceless beryls from the coronet. Thanks to Holmes's quick thinking, scandal is avoided and Holder's peace is restored - and yours will be too, as this week's story helps you drift off into comfortable and restful slumber.

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The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet, Part 1

A new case begins, and this one is a doozy. A banker named Alexnder Holder, who recently came into possession of a priceless beryl coronet as collateral for a loan, comes to Holmes and Watson with a problem - the coronet is broken and three of the beryls are missing. Holder's son Arthur seems like the most likely culprit, but there is more here than meets the eye. Join us as Holmes and Watson embark on a new adventure, and let their exploits carry your mind away from the day and into a night of rest and relaxation.

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The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, Part 2

The case of Lord Robert St. Simon's missing bride comes to a close as Holmes reveals what he had deduced from the very beginning - with a nice dose of upstaging Lestrade in the process. As the story concludes, so will your long day, so let Holmes and Watson help you relax and enjoy a night of restorative sleep.

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The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, Part 1

Holmes and Watson are joined by a new client, Lord Robert St. Simon. He is in search of his bride, Hatty Doran, who has suddenly disappeared. All seemed well, until the sight of a mysterious man at their wedding caused an abrupt change in her demeanor. Luckily, Holmes is on the case, and he's deduced the truth even before St. Simon could finish his story. Curl up under the covers and let this week's story comfort you into a night of deep and peaceful sleep.

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The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, Part 3

The tale concludes with Mr. Hatherley's thrilling escape, (mostly) in one piece. With the details revealed, Holmes is easily able to deduce the truth, and the men set off to prove what happened. Another case is in the books for Holmes and Watson, and another long day is in the books for you, so let their story help you cast the day away into a night of peace and slumber.

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The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, Part 2

The saga continues as engineer Mr. Hatherley shares more about the suspicious situation that ended with him losing his thumb. After an unexpectedly long carriage ride, Hatherley arrives at the house to examine the hydraulic press. But it is soon clear that all is not as it seems, and not as he had been told it would be. As you ponder over what it all means, let your mind wander off into a state of deep and total rest and relaxation with tonight's story.

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The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, Part 1

For once, it's Dr. Watson bringing in a new case, as this week he meets a patient, Mr. Victor Hatherley - an engineer who lost his thumb in a murderous attack. After bandaging him up, Watson takes Hatherley to meet Holmes in the hopes of unraveling what exactly happened. We learn Hatherley was approached by a suspicious man to examine a hydraulic press in Berkshire. Things are off to a shady start, and as the details unfold, let them carry you away into another night of peaceful sleep.

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The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Part 3

The story concludes as Holmes and Watson's stakeout reveals the truth of Dr. Roylott and the mysterious speckled band. Thanks to Holmes's quick thinking and action, the threat is handled, and our protagonists survive to take on another case. Let their tale help you find your way into a quiet night of restorative slumber.

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The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Part 2

Holmes and Watson continue their inquiry into the case of Dr. Grimesby Roylott. They make their way to Roylott's home, Stoke Moran, the scene of the previous mysterious death, and set themselves up to stay the night, so they can see for themselves what is going on. Their night is sure to be eventful, unlike yours, as the next part of their story helps you drift into restful sleep.

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The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Part 1

Another week, and another new case presents itself for Holmes and Watson. Today, we meet Helen Stoner, a young woman in fear of her life. Her stepfather, Dr. Grimesby Roylott, is a temperamental, violent man, and her twin sister recently died under suspicious circumstances, calling out about a mysterious "speckled band." If anyone can put the pieces together, it's Holmes and Watson, so join them as they set out on a new investigation that will carry you off into a night of deep and peaceful sleep.

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The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, Part 2

Holmes and Watson continue their inquiry into the curious case of the carbuncle and the Christmas goose. The culprit reveals himself, and as Christmas is the season of forgiveness, Holmes may allow himself to be more generous than usual. Another case reaches its conclusion, and as it does, it will help you conclude your own evening with a night of peaceful rest and relaxation.

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The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, Part 1

As the holiday season begins, join Holmes and Watson on a new case that includes a stolen jewel, a Christmas goose, and, of course, deception and deduction. When the carbuncle in question is found inside the goose, Holmes sets about discovering just who put it there. As Holmes and Watson set off on a new case, let their investigation lead you on your own journey into another night of restorative slumber.

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The Man With The Twisted Lip, Part 2

Secrets are revealed as Holmes and Watson dive deeper into the case of Hugh Boone and Neville St. Clair. A mysterious letter challenges Holmes's assumptions and leads him to an unexpected conclusion. As he unravels the truth of the case, let his deductions carry you off on a journey into restful and restorative sleep.

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The Man With The Twisted Lip, Part 1

Our latest case begins in an opium den, where Watson encounters Holmes in disguise, investigating a mysterious disappearance. Once they leave the den, Holmes explains the situation - he is investigating the whereabouts of Neville St. Clair, whose behavior has been quite suspicious. There's more here than meets the eye, so take your time to ponder the facts, let your mind and body relax, and drift off into a peaceful state of slumber.

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The Five Orange Pips, Part 2

The tale reaches its conclusion as Holmes explains to Watson the meaning behind the orange pips and mysterious mail. Will the truth be revealed in time to achieve justice? Find out as this week's tale transports you into another night of rest and restoration.

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The Five Orange Pips, Part 1

Watson brings us into a new mystery, one that he believes is one of the most remarkable of all his time working with Holmes. It's a twisted tale that begins with the arrival of a young man investigating the sudden deaths of his uncle and father after receiving mysterious orange pips in the mail. The police think it's a joke, but Holmes knows better. Let the journey of the new case take you on your own journey into a night of restorative and relaxing sleep.

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The Boscombe Valley Mystery, Part 3

Holmes finds the final few clues, and at last the truth is revealed. We learn who is really responsible for the murder of Charles McCarthy, and how Holmes figured out what happened. As another adventure concludes, let your mind and body relax into another night of restful slumber.

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The Boscombe Valley Mystery, Part 2

The plot thickens as Holmes, Watson, and Lestrade receive a visit from Alice Turner, who is engaged to James McCarthy, the main suspect in the murder. She vouches for James's innocence, setting Holmes off on his own investigation to find the truth. He's getting closer now - let his deductions fill your mind and relax you as this week's story helps you drift into peaceful sleep.

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The Boscombe Valley Mystery, Part 1

Watson is called away from his home to join Holmes on a new case in Boscombe Valley, the murder of Charles McCarthy. All signs point to his son James being the culprit, but it still doesn't quite add up. Lestrade has been retained to investigate, and he has called upon Holmes to help him uncover the truth. A new mystery has begun, and it will accompany you as you lay your head down for a night of peaceful sleep.

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A Case of Identity, Part 2

After musing on their respective observations and deductions of Miss Sutherland, Holmes and Watson are joined by her stepfather Mr. Windibank. Holmes has figured out the truth, and all will soon be revealed. As yet another mystery concludes, let it comfort you into restful slumber.

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A Case of Identity, Part 1

Holmes and Watson's evening conversation is interrupted by the arrival of a new client, Mary Sutherland. She is investigating the sudden disappearance of her betrothed, a man named Mr. Hosmer Angel. Her stepfather, Mr. Windibank, strongly disapproves of the match, because it will take her inheritance out of the family, but she is determined to find and reunite with Angel. Holmes and Watson are on the case, and their inquiries are the perfect backdrop to help you along on your journey into a night of rest and restoration.

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The Red-Headed League, Part 3

The tale of the Red-Headed League concludes as Holmes, Watson, Merryweather, and Jones catch the criminal red-handed and reveal the truth of the mysterious league. Another successful case is in the books, and its conclusion will leave you relaxed and ready to enjoy another night of deep and restful slumber.

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The Red-Headed League, Part 2

Holmes and Watson continue their investigation of the Red-Headed League in London, meeting Wilson's assistant, Vincent Spaulding. Holmes grows more assured, while Watson grows more confused. Holmes declares that a crime is imminent, and the two join bank manager Mr. Merryweather and Scotland Yard detective Peter Jones, waiting to apprehend the criminal. The tale is unfolding, and let it carry you away into another night of restorative sleep.

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The Red-Headed League, Part 1

A new game is afoot! Join Holmes and Watson as they meet Jabez Wilson, who is utterly unremarkable except for his blazing red head. Wilson introduces them to the bizarre and mysterious Red-Headed League, asking Holmes to investigate its behavior. What could it mean? Let this new mystery help take you on a journey into deep and restful sleep.

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A Scandal in Bohemia, Part 3

Holmes and Watson's plan is in full swing as they make their way to Irene Adler's house to complete their assignment. But when they arrive, they find not all is as they planned. There's a reason Irene is the woman, after all. As our story concludes, let it take you on your way into another night of restorative sleep.

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A Scandal in Bohemia, Part 2

Holmes and Watson's involvement with Irene Adler deepens, as Holmes orchestrates a series of disguised run-ins to learn where she has hidden her scandalous photos. Everything in his plan is falling into place...or is it? The plot thickens, so let the twists and turns help you take your mind off your day and lead you into deep and peaceful sleep.

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A Scandal in Bohemia, Part 1

To Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler was always the woman, and today we begin to learn how they were first acquainted. After several months apart, Holmes and Watson are reunited and soon encounter a new client - a mysterious man from Bohemia, who claims that Irene Adler has information that could seriously compromise a reigning family of Europe. A new game is afoot, and as the mystery unravels, let it carry you off into restful slumber.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 2, Chapter 7

The Conclusion

Holmes and Watson reflect on all that has passed over the past several days. Watson is surprised at how Holmes reached the right conclusion so easily, but for Holmes it's all elementary. Our story is laid to rest, and let it help you take your own rest as you drift off into peaceful sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 2, Chapter 6

A Continuation of the Reminiscences of John Watson, M.D.

We rejoin Holmes and Watson as they learn from Jefferson Hope exactly what happened on those fateful nights in London. The truth is revealed, and good and evil are not as straightforward as they seem. As the truth becomes clear, let it take you on a journey into relaxation and restorative sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 2, Chapter 5

The Avenging Angels

Jefferson Hope and the Ferriers make their way through the mountains, where Hope's late-night excursion for food has dire consequences. Hope vows revenge, and follows Drebber and Stangerson all the way to London, setting the stage for Holmes and Watson's inquiries into the two mysterious deaths. The pieces are falling together, and will help you fall into a deep and restful sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 2, Chapter 4

A Flight for Life

John Ferrier sends a message to Jefferson Hope, and as they wait for his return, the threatening atmosphere grows. Time is running out, and Jefferson Hope gets there just in time. The group makes their escape, and everything seems to be in the clear, but is it really? The suspense is building, and so will your sleepiness as you let this week's story help you relax and drift off to sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 2, Chapter 3

John Ferrier Talks with the Prophet

The plans for Jefferson Hope and Lucy Ferrier's marriage do not stay secret for long, and John Ferrier receives a visit from Brigham Young himself warning of dire consequences if Lucy does not marry within the Mormon faith. She has 30 days to decide whether to marry either Drebber or Stangerson, two sons of Mormon Elders. It's a frightening prospect, but John assures her that they will send for Jefferson and flee if they must. The plot is thickening, and as it does, let your thoughts fade away and take you into another night of deep sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 2, Chapter 2

The Flower of Utah

John and Lucy Ferrier settle into their Mormon life, seemingly happy, but with the subtle threat looming that it could all be taken away if the Ferriers leave their new faith. Lucy grows into a young woman, and falls in love with the handsome Jefferson Hope, promising to run away together in a few short weeks. It seems too good to be true, and, of course, we know from Dr. Watson's recollections that it is. Consider what has passed and what is to come as this week's story helps you drift into a peaceful slumber.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 2, Chapter 1

On the Great Alkali Plain

Our story shifts from damp and foggy London to a dry desert plain in the American West in 1847. A man and a young child are dehydrated and near death, when they encounter a caravan of Mormons, who offer to save them on the condition that they adopt the Mormon faith. The man, John Ferrier, accepts and joins them on their journey. How is it all connected? As you ponder, let your thoughts help you on your way to a night of restful and restorative sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 1, Chapter 7

Light in the Darkness

There's been another murder, and this one has Scotland Yard stumped. But a simple recounting of events has Holmes's mind turning and ready to test out a new theory, which of course is correct. Holmes is ready to enact his next move, as long as Gregson and Lestrade don't ruin his plans. Let his power of deduction lead you down the road into deep and restful sleep with this week's story.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 1, Chapter 6

Tobias Gregson Shows What He Can Do

As the Brixton Mystery captures the attention of the nation, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson delve deeper into the case. They receive a visit from Gregson, who is sure he's cracked the case. But to Holmes's relief, there's more to this story than meets the eye, and more than Gregson's comparatively simple mind can solve on his own. Things are getting complicated! As you consider the clues, let this week's story help you journey into deep and restorative sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 1, Chapter 5

Our Advertisement Brings A Visitor

With a cleverly placed advertisement, an unexpected visitor arrives - an old woman who is not what she seems. Holmes follows her home, and soon realizes that he's met an opponent who may actually be able to challenge his brilliance. Join Holmes and Watson as they continue to unravel the case, and let tonight's story help you drift off into pleasant and restful sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 1, Chapter 4

What John Rance Had To Tell

From Brixton it's off to the telegraph office, where Holmes sends a telegram, then to the home of John Rance, the constable who found the body. On the way, Holmes explains how he deduced information from the clues at the crime scene, including that "Rache" was a trick to get the police to think that socialism and secret societies were involved in the murder. When they reach Rance, he explains that he was on his usual nightly patrol when he noticed a light in a house that was supposed to be empty, and discovered the body. Rance also chased away a drunk man, who Holmes is certain was the murderer. But there's one stroke of luck, the ring that was left at the crime scene can be used as bait to lure the killer back. With so much going on, Watson's going to need to rest, and so will you, so let tonight's story help you drift into restorative sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 1, Chapter 3

The Lauriston Gardens Mystery

The note that Holmes and Watson received is from Scotland Yard, and they are off to Brixton to investigate the death of an American, Enoch Drebber. They arrive and join Inspectors Gregson and Lestrade, who are trying their best, but are no match for Holmes. There are lots of clues around the scene, and one stands out, a word on the wall - "Rache." Lestrade is sure it's a woman's name and is about to start investigating Miss Rachel, when Holmes informs them all that "Rache" is German for "revenge." What can it all mean? Let yourself ponder and your mind wander into a state of deep relaxation with tonight's story.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 1, Chapter 2

The Science of Deduction

Holmes and Watson are thrilled with their new lodgings at 221B Baker Street, and Watson is intrigued by Holmes' peculiar and particular areas of knowledge and frequent visitors. And there's one area that Watson can barely believe - Holmes' claim to be able to solve anything with the science of deduction. Amidst their disagreement, a mysterious man (a retired Marines sergeant, according to Holmes' deduction), leaves a letter at the door and disappears. What can it be? Try your hand at deduction and let tonight's story help you drift off into pleasant and restful sleep.

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A Study in Scarlet, Part 1, Chapter 1

Mr. Sherlock Holmes

Our narrator, Dr. John Watson, has just returned to London from Afghanistan, and is in search of lodging. Luckily for him, a friend has just introduced him to Sherlock Holmes, who's also looking for a place to live. Holmes is a peculiar fellow, but seems pleasant enough - what could go wrong? Let Holmes and Watson's first meeting be the first of many stories that will help you rest and relax into restorative sleep.

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